Nov 16, 2012

On the Needles Friday Nov 16, 2012

This week a Ravelry friend of mine mentioned that she was knitting squares to be sewn together into blankets for victims  of  Hurricane Sandy.    I figured since she was volunteering her time to the Red Cross relief effort, and could still find time to knit some squares, the least I could do was knit some squares.

The Ravelry group for this effort is called Squares for Comfort.  The squares were supposed to be 12 inches, and washable. I am using leftover woolease that I originally used for some hats for my guys.

Check out what everyone has on the needles, over on Patchwork Times.


Nikky Cogdell said...

Thanks for letting me know about Squares for Comfort, Maggie. I think I can crochet a couple while I'm traveling next week.

Maggie said...

Let me know if you need the address or anything, Nikky!