Oct 16, 2008

Custom Millefiori Knitting Stitch Markers

I was contacted a while ago by a woman who said she was a knitting teacher, and that she loved these millefiori stitch markers. She wanted to get multiple sets of them to give to her students, but the list price was a little steep for the quantity she wanted. I worked with her to figure out how to make the item more affordable for her, and here is the result:

I made a total of 24 sets, all of them with one star bead and two other beads.

I love millefiori beads! Here is a description of them from Wikipedia :

"The term millefiori is a combination of the Italian words "mille" (thousand) and "fiori" (flowers). A. Pellatt (in his book "Curiosities of Glass Making") was the first to use the term "millefiori", which appeared in the Oxford Dictionary in 1849. The beads were called mosaic beads before that time."

Here is a better picture to see the assorted beads I used:
I have lots of sets of stitch markers in my etsy store , check them out over there! Or, if you want some custom sets for your students or knitting guild or any other group, contact me and I would love to work with you!


Unknown said...

I wouldn't use them because I'm not a knitter, but I think they're really pretty. :)

The Success said...

thanks to advertise on my blog with EC

Success for you

Anonymous said...

Those are very cute! That's one thing I struggle with, pricing! I'm glad you could work out a compromise with her to make your work affordable.