I sent my mom a Virginia Tech shirt as her Mother's Day gift. She announced a few weeks ago that she "needs one of those shirts like you all wear with the VT." It struck me a little funny, as her first kid went to Tech in 1975, and she just decides now she needs a shirt. I think it is because she is living at an assisted living facility right now, and this gives her an opportunity to brag on her grandkids to her new friends. She has 3 grandkids in college- 2 of them at Virginia Tech.
Mom will most likely never see this unless some annoying brother of mine shows it to her. She as no interest in anything computer related. Now that I am the mom of a teen and a 20 year old, I understand that we all do the best we can do with what we have. I did not always know that. I hope that any hurtful things the teenage me might have said fell on her deaf ear and not her good one. Now that I am 48 and she is 80, none of those things seem to matter any more. Happy Mother's Day Mom!
Oh my gosh, what a BEAUTIFUL photo. I love the colors and textures, and everything everything everything. <3
what a nice picture! thanks for sharing!!
Hi Maggie! I stopped by from Christopher and Tia's blog. I love your picture!
Thanks for the compliments on the photo. I believe it was taken by my grandfather, who loved photography and had a job at a photo lab for a while, where he tinted black and white photos. This photo was found in an old trunk that belonged to him.
Beautiful shot. Happy Mother's Day!!
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