Feb 1, 2013

Jumping on the Bandwagon

Years ago, I think it was in the 80s, I made a big trip around the world quilt from a pattern that I ordered from Woman's Day or some such magazine.  It was a quilt in a day sort of pattern.  I was a newlywed in my first apartment with my new husband.  I enlisted a coworker and we made them together.  They were not quilted- they were tied.  I backed it with a big sheet and made the binding by sewing the back onto the front.  My husband had a tendency to throw open the bedroom curtains each morning, so one corner of that quilt sat in the blazing sun for half the day.  Eventually, the batting all bunched up from the lack of quilting and the fabrics faded something fierce.  I still have fond memories of that quilt though.

Fast forward to the present, and the internet is buzzing with people on what they call the Scrappy Trip Along.  There are hundreds of people all making trip around the world blocks.  I originally thought I wouldn't join in.  I had been there, done that, after all.  But I love scrappy quilts like crazy and I do still have that soft spot for my old quilt, even though it is gone.

So today as I was cleaning off my sewing desk, I cut a 2.5in by 16in strip from every piece of fabric I touched that was bigger than that.  I got this lovely pile, which will be enough for 6 blocks.

I need to sort through some more boxes of fabric I have, and I think I will cut strips as I sort.  Not sure if I will make one bigger quilt to keep, or make some smaller ones to donate to project Linus.  I just know it will be nice to get sewing again.

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