Apr 10, 2013

WIP Wednesday April 10, 2013

We were away on vacation last week, and I was not feeling well the week before that, so I fell behind on the Honeycomb Stitchalong.  I am still working on the center panel, and the finishing of the pillow instructions were posted today!  I do not want to rush though, I want to savor working with this lovely fabric and doing handwork.

Yesterday I did the outline embroidery on my bees:

I used the method she suggested where you trace the picture onto water soluble stabilizer and then just lay it on top before you put it in the hoop.  Easy peasy! Now I want to embroider on everything.

Linking up with Lee at Freshly Pieced.

1 comment:

Carolyn said...

Maggie, it's turning out beautiful!