May 27, 2013

It's All About the Sleeve

So I took a class on Craftsy, called Plus Size Pattern Fitting and Design.  The sample for the class is Vogue v8815.  This is a fitted jewel neck top with a peplum.  The instructor, Barbara Deckert suggests skipping the muslin and instead using a basted fitting.  I think that personally I need too many adjustments to do this, and at least for now will make muslins where possible.

I finished my sample for the class, but I can't get a modeled photo, because I can't lift my arms in the thing.  The main reason for this, I believe, is because the sleeves are too tight.  I added a gusset to each sleeve after my fitting, but I guess it was not enough.  So I declared this top to be my muslin and set out to make adjustments to make a new muslin. This time I put the opening in the front so I could pin it closed more easily.  I slashed the sleeve pattern in both directions and spread the pattern to get the room I needed.

The sleeve piece turned into such a frankenpattern, that I decided to have a stab at drafting my own sleeve from scratch.  The process made me feel like a sewing rockstar.  The truth is though, when I was done I had nearly the same sleeve as my frankensleeve!

I basted up my muslin, and holy cow! It is amazing how much better the entire blouse will be now that the sleeve fits.  So now I am ready to cut out the blouse and my skirt from my navy with white polka dot voile, which I will line for the skirt and underline for the blouse.

On a knitting note- I picked up my Mindy sweater to work on last night, and guess what I am knitting now?  That's right, the sleeve!

1 comment:

Susan at said...

You can tell I dont make garments. This post was in a foreign language to me! Congratulations? :)