Mar 10, 2013

Meet Mojo

IMG_1025.jpg by magscrafts
IMG_1025.jpg, a photo by magscrafts on Flickr.
SO I made some blocks in the Something New Sampler and this week I started sewing them all together into a quilt top.

I decided that once they all get joined into a quilt, I should give it a name. Since I started sewing along to revive my quilting mojo, I named it Mojo.

I am trying to stay low key and not listen to the picky negative voices that tell me it all needs to be perfect. It is so not perfect.  I don't even have enough of the white background fabric but I am substituting another white. I am trying to use what I have as much as possible.  I plan to make the top in 3 pieces and quilt them separately and then join them. It will be a nice chance to practice some different techniques.

Linking up with Patchwork Times for design wall Monday (even though I do not have a design wall!)


Carolyn said...

Looks good so far!!!

Glen QuiltSwissy said...

Mojo sure is going to be interesting. I am liking it. I am not a "perfect" quilter myself. But you know what, I have never had a person hand the quilt I just gave them back to me and say, hey you didn't piece this so well!
